Heading Text

h1. Heading Secondary text

h2. Heading Secondary text

h3. Heading Secondary text

h4. Heading Secondary text

h5. Heading Secondary text
h6. Heading Secondary text

TIPS: Create lighter, secondary text in any heading with a generic <small> tag or the .small class.

Example body text

This is a lead paragraph.
Make a paragraph stand out by adding .lead.

Maecenas sed diam eget risus varius blandit sit amet non magna. Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus.

Nullam quis risus eget urna mollis ornare vel eu leo. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nullam id dolor id nibh ultricies vehicula.

The following snippet of text is rendered as bold text.

The following snippet of text is rendered as italicized text.

An abbreviation of the word attribute is attr.



Company Name
795 Folsom Ave, Suite 600
San Francisco, CA 94107
P: (123) 456-7890
Full Name
P: (123) 456-7890
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Emphasis classes

This is a .mute paragraph.

This is a .text-primary paragraph.

This is a .text-warning paragraph.

This is a .text-danger paragraph.

This is a .text-success paragraph.

This is a .text-info paragraph.

Alignment classes

This is a left aligned text .text-left

This is a center aligned text .text-center

This is a right aligned text .text-right

This is a justify aligned text which is often used in Book Design, Magazine or special Typo Pages. Create a justify aligned text with .text-justify class.


This is a <blockquote> in a <.well>.

Quote's author in Source Title

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer posuere erat a ante.

Quote's author in Source Title

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer posuere erat a ante.

Quote's author in Source Title

Link Button Styles

Usage: <a class="link-button button-xxx">This is link text.</a>, where xxx is the button color name selected from: light, dark, green, orange, blue and red.

If you want to use the round-corner button, please use <a class="link-button button-xxx border-radius-x">This is link text.</a>.

If you want to use the button outline, please use <a class="link-button button-+++">This is link text.</a>, where +++ is the button outline selected from: outline and outline-inverse

Example: <a class="link-button button-orange">See plans & pricing.</a>

Combination of Button and Icon Styles

Usage: <a class="link-button button-xxx"><span class="link-icon fa fa-yyy">This is link text.</span></a>, where xxx and yyy are button color and icon names respectively.

Example: <a class="link-button button-green"><span class="link-icon fa fa-cart">Add to cart.</span></a>

Number list styles

Blue Bullet number list
  • 1Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
  • 2Consetetur sadipscing elitr
  • 3Sed diam voluptua
Green Bullet number list
  • 1Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
  • 2Consetetur sadipscing elitr
  • 3Sed diam voluptua
Violet Bullet number list
  • 1Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
  • 2Consetetur sadipscing elitr
  • 3Sed diam voluptua
Orange Bullet number list
  • 1Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
  • 2Consetetur sadipscing elitr
  • 3Sed diam voluptua
Red Bullet number list
  • 1Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
  • 2Consetetur sadipscing elitr
  • 3Sed diam voluptua
Grey Bullet number list
  • 1Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
  • 2Consetetur sadipscing elitr
  • 3Sed diam voluptua
Blue Digit number list
  • 1Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
  • 2Consetetur sadipscing elitr
  • 3Sed diam voluptua
Green Digit number list
  • 1Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
  • 2Consetetur sadipscing elitr
  • 3Sed diam voluptua
Violet Digit number list
  • 1Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
  • 2Consetetur sadipscing elitr
  • 3Sed diam voluptua
Orange Digit number list
  • 1Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
  • 2Consetetur sadipscing elitr
  • 3Sed diam voluptua
Red Digit number list
  • 1Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
  • 2Consetetur sadipscing elitr
  • 3Sed diam voluptua
Grey Digit number list
  • 1Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
  • 2Consetetur sadipscing elitr
  • 3Sed diam voluptua


Brand Colors

Brand Primary
Brand Secondary
Brand Warning
Brand Danger
Brand Info
Brand Success

Grayscale Levels

Gray Darker
Gray Dark
Gray Light
Gray Lighter
Gray Lightest




In the area of graphical user interfaces (GUI), a tabbed document interface (TDI) or a Tab is one that allows multiple documents to be contained within a single window, using tabs as a navigational widget for switching between sets of documents. It is an interface style most commonly associated with web browsers, web applications, text editors, and preference panes.

GUI tabs are modeled after traditional card tabs inserted in paper files or card indexes (in keeping with the desktop metaphor).

In the area of graphical user interfaces (GUI), a tabbed document interface (TDI) or a Tab is one that allows multiple documents to be contained within a single window, using tabs as a navigational widget for switching between sets of documents. It is an interface style most commonly associated with web browsers, web applications, text editors, and preference panes.

GUI tabs are modeled after traditional card tabs inserted in paper files or card indexes (in keeping with the desktop metaphor).



Sample Basic Form

A longer block of help text that breaks onto a new line and may extend beyond one line.



This is a simple hero unit, a simple jumbotron-style component for calling extra attention to featured content or information.

Call to Action

Primary Jumbotron

This is a simple hero unit, a simple jumbotron-style component for calling extra attention to featured content or information.

Call to Action


This is a simple hero unit, a simple jumbotron-style component for calling extra attention to featured content or information.

Call to Action

Primary Masthead

This is a simple hero unit, a simple jumbotron-style component for calling extra attention to featured content or information.

Call to Action


Alerts and Notifications

hideSuccess! You successfully read this alert message.hide
hideWarning! You successfully read this alert message.hide
hideDanger! You successfully read this alert message. hide
hideInfo! You successfully read this alert message. hide


Default Primary Success Info Warning Danger


List groups

  • 14 Cras justo odio
  • 2 Dapibus ac facilisis in
  • Morbi leo risus
  • 1 Morbi leo risus
  • 2 Dapibus ac facilisis in

List group item heading

Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus risus varius blandit.

List group item heading

Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus.

List group item heading

Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus.



Panel heading

Panel content

Panel primary

Panel content

Panel success

Panel content

Panel warning

Panel content

Panel danger

Panel content

Panel info

Panel content



Look, I'm in a small well!
Look, I'm in a well!
Look, I'm in a large well!


How to become a member

Membership of the NAEE is open to interested persons from the Academia, Corporate Sector, Scientific fields and Governments. According to the IAEE Bylaws, to which NAEE subscribes, any person interested in the Economics of Energy and is willing to pursue the objectives and abide by the policies of the Association is eligible for Membership.

The Association has the following categories of Membership:

To register as a new member, kindly visit https://naee.org.ng/portal/signup. The system will automatically generate a membership ID for you.

Alternatively can download the form via Membership Form (Regular)  and Membership Form (Student) as the case may be. Print it out, Fill it, Scan and submit via email to admin@naee,org.ng along side with your evidence of payment (but membership ID will be assign Manually).

Registered members are to login via https://naee.org.ng/portal/login and have access to membership materials and benefits.

Membership Fee

For NAEE Membership:
NAEE New membership  fee is N30,000 for regular members and N15,000 for new student members per annum.
NAEE Membership renewal fees for regular members are ₦20,000 for and ₦10,000 for student membership per annum.
NAEE/IAEE Corporate/Institutional Membership – ₦300,000 per annum.
How to pay for Membership renewal

Registered Members can login to their account via https://naee.org.ng/portal/signin and make instant payment for membership renewal using their ATM cards..

Otherwise, Payment could be made manually via cash deposit or direct transfer into our FCMB Account No: 1392531018 and then forward your proof of payments and personal details as itemized below to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or WhatsApp +2347068811494 for proper documentation: Details to be forwarded includes:
Full Names:
Office address:
Email address:
Phone number:
For IAEE Membership:
IAEE membership information for regular and student membership may be found at https://iaee.org/en/membership/benefits.aspx to renew an existing membership, or to become a new individual member of the IAEE.
Note* NAEE is no longer collecting Naira equivalent of the IAEE dues any more, Hence, Members are advised to pay this dues directly using the link above.
For further enquiries on the IAEE membership or if encountered any problem during registration, please contact the NAEE Vice President, Membership & Liaison on +2348037864245 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



This membership classification provides the opportunity for a company or organization to support the activities of NAEE and at the same time benefit from a variety of products/ services as well as recognition.

There are two types of NAEE Institutional Membership; Corporate Institutional Membership and Academic Institutional Membership. The dues rate is the same, N300,000 per year, yet the benefits package is different.

Some of the benefits that come with NAEE Institutional Membership include:

  • Designation of individuals to receive all NAEE publications and services
  • Complimentary registration slots at either the IAEE International or NAEE/IAEE Annual Conference
  • 50% off exhibition table space at the NAEE Conference
  • Non-NAEE members affiliated with the Institutional Member company/organization may attend NAEE Conferences at member rates
  • Complimentary placement of organization's promotional material on publications tables at the NAEE Conference
  • One complimentary full page ad in the NAEE Energy Forum, The Energy Journal and Economics of Energy & Environmental Policy per year
  • Institutional Membership recognition in the Association’s Membership Directory

NAEE Institutional membership is a special classification for companies, organizations, universities or research institutions that support NAEE and participate regularly in our conferences as well as further the mission of the organization. Dues for Institutional membership are N300,000 (NAIRA) per year.

There are two types of NAEE Institutional Membership; Corporate Institutional Membership and Academic Institutional Membership. The dues rate is the same, yet the benefits package is different. Click on the above links to see the benefits package for each type of Institutional Membership.

Each type of Institutional Membership is designed to provide more products and services than the actual cost of membership fees. It is the Institutional Member’s responsibility to avail themselves of the offered benefits annually to maximize their return on this special membership.

When you become an NAEE Corporate Institutional or Academic Institutional member, you designate a representative from your organization to receive NAEE publications (NAEE Energy Forum (newsletter), Membership Directory and subscriptions to The Energy Journal & Economics of Energy & Environmental Policy). As an extra benefit under each Institutional membership program, non-NAEE members within your organization may register for any NAEE sponsored conference at the NAEE member registration rate. Institutional Membership carries with it a number of complimentary registrations per year to our conferences, the opportunity to advertise in our publications free of charge and numerous recognition benefits. Below please find a listing of our current NAEE Institutional Members.

It is very easy to sign up as an NAEE Institutional Member. Please visit one of the below forms to complete your application and/or print out an application form and submit by email/post.

Printed application forms can be mailed/emailed to:

NAEE Headquarters

Centre for Petroleum Energy Economics and Law,

University of Ibadan,

No. 7, Parry Road,

Phone: +234 8077102407
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


NAEE Liaison Office

4th floor, Right Wing, Abia House,

Plot 979, 1st Avenue, Off Ahmadu Bello Way,

Central Business District, Abuja.

Phone: +2347068811494
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Current Institutional Members

  • Petroleum Technology Development Fund (PTDF)
  • Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN)
  • Energy Commission of Nigeria (ECN)
  • Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC)
  • Nigerian Midstream and Downstream Petroleum Regulatory Authority (NMDPRA)
  • Nigerian Upstream Petroleum Regulatory Commission (NUPRC)
  • Nigerian Electricity Regulatory Commission (NERC)
  • Niger Delta Power Holding Company (NDPHC)
  • Rural Electrification Agency (REA)
  • Abuja Electricity Distribution Company (AEDC)
  • Teno Energy Resources Ltd.
  • Centre for Petroleum Energy Economics and Law (CPEEL)
  • Emerald Energy Institute (EEI)
  • International Institute for Petroleum, Energy Law and Policy (IIPELP)

Membership Fee: N300,000 Annually.

Kindly contact us if need be.





1. Bank Name:  FCMB, ,

    Account Name: Nigerian Association for Energy Economics

    Account No.: 1392531018 (Naira Account)



2.  Bank Name:  FCMB.

     Account Name: Nigerian Association for Energy Economics

     Account number: 1392531025 



Online Processing: As a regular member, you can make payment online as ordinary member then proceed to fill the membership form online.

Note your payment reference code may be required from you to complete the online form.

Individuals may join the Association directly. Direct or regular membership is N20,000 per year and it includes subscriptions to the Energy Journal, Economics of Energy & Environmental Policy and the NAEE Energy Forum plus all of the Benefits of Membership.

Individual direct or regular Full Membership gives you full registration access to NAEE portal. 

The Association will bill direct members annually for renewal dues. Direct memberships run twelve months from the date of receipt of a new member’s dues.

As a regular member, you can make payment online as ordinary member  then proceed to fill the membership form online

For more, click the option either Manual or Online method at the top of this frame to get details.

Registration and Payment Option (students)

Old/Regular Student memberships are N10,000 per year while new students ais N15,000 membership fee. Students may apply as direct members or through a local affiliate. To join as a Student member of NAEE please read the student definition below.

A student is someone who is enrolled in a degree-granting program (either undergraduate or graduate) at an institution of higher learning and registered full-time according to the definition of his/her respective academic institution, and who is not employed full-time. Students must submit written verification from a professor or other verifiable school authority at their institution attesting to their full-time student status when making an application.

In particular, note that post-docs and part-time students would not normally qualify as students for NAEE purposes.

Ordinary Students Membership: NAEE only   -  N15,000 . Click here to pay as a student member. Note N600 added as online payment services charge

Kindly click to download and fill a Membership Form (Student) or fill it here online.

Only NAEE student members, according to the definition above, may apply for student scholarships to NAEE or IAEE conferences and participate in NAEE conference events that are designated for student participation. The requirement must be met at the time of initial submission of research to the conference in question.

Thus, a member who is a full-time student at the time of initial submission of research for presentation at a NAEE Conference will be eligible to participate in events designated for students even if that person’s status changes such that he/she is employed full-time at the time of the conference in question.

1. Manual Processing: You are required to download the student membership form, fill it appropriately, Make your payment to the association account then SCAN the completed form, written verification and payment teller to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.or to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  Your form will be processed and you will be assigned a student membership ID and login details. 


Account Name: Nigerian Association for Energy Economics

Bank Name: First City Monument Bank (FCMB)  

Account No.: 1392531018



2. Online Processing: As a student, you can make payment using your ATM card. To pay now the N10,000 student membership (NAEE only) fee click here

Welcome! What do you want to do, you can go straight there.

Download Forms

Membership Forms can be downloaded straight away. Which do you want. Student Membership Form or Individual/Regular Membership Form
We accept two forms of payment. 1. Direct deposit to the bank into our account detail: Guarantee Trust Bank (GTB)  | 0110538168  |   Nigerian Association for Energy Economics  OR
2. Instant/Online payment using a payment processor. To make online payment for regular (NAEE ONLY)  membership subscription click here or Regular (full Membership) Make online payment for student membership here.
Alternative, Kindly login to your NAEE account via https://naee.org.ng/portal/login and make your payments.